5 Tips to Make Business Events More Eco-Friendly

by Ciara Frahill, Senior Account Executive

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. As the impact of climate change becomes more and more apparent with unpredictable and extreme weather events causing havoc all over the world, people and businesses are under pressure to reduce their carbon footprints and operate in a more environmentally friendly way.

One area where small businesses can make a big difference is in the way they organise events and conferences. There is a clear movement toward eco-friendly events. This can even be seen in pop culture with Coldplay’s recent efforts to reduce the impact of the *“Music of the Spheres World Tour” on the environment. This followed in the footsteps of *Billie Eilish’s 2022 tour which partnered with the green event and concert nonprofit organisation, Reverb. These green tours have set new KPIs and shifted focus for artists to achieve a less harmful impact on the environment. *More information linked below

While these are great examples of larger organisations paving the way for greener events, there are a number of steps small Irish businesses can take right now to make their events more sustainable.

Here are our top 5 tips:

1. Consider the venue you choose.

Is the venue sustainably conscious? If this isn’t clear, take matters into your own hands and ask the event space what measures can be taken to reduce waste and energy for the event. If the venue is not operating sustainably, are there actions that can be taken to reduce the usage of energy and production of waste by the organisation coordinating the event? Some of these actions that can be taken are listed below.

2. Go paperless

This includes sending online invitations, displaying QR codes with information, and having digital registration and signage for attendees. Another way to go paperless is to think internally, can important documents such as running orders be sent via a link or shared in a group chat? Who needs a bulky clipboard when you have your phone or tablet handy?

3. Be conscious of food waste

Food waste is a major global problem, and it's especially important to be mindful of it at events where large numbers of people are gathered. Work with your caterer to reduce food waste by only ordering what you need, sourcing seasonal produce, and ensuring composting or recycling options for leftover food. There are also great options for sustainably conscious catering such as Food Cloud Kitchen which has Ireland’s first zero-waste food truck. A bit of research into suppliers can make all the difference!

4. Educate attendees and promote more sustainable travel.

Let attendees know that there will be eco-friendly measures taken at the event and encourage them to travel to the event in the most sustainable way. This could include providing information on public transport options or offering discounts to attendees who carpool or take the bus. Is there a way to supply transport that might be convenient for attendees and reduce mileage and vehicle numbers?

5. Branded Materials

If printing signage is essential to dress the event location, try to be clever and make whatever you are printing reusable. An investment in well-designed roll-up banners and signs can benefit other events and conferences throughout the year. Make sure to avoid dates and event themes or titles when creating these displays to make them reusable for other events.  Reusing signs and branded materials will also give a consistent look for each event.

By following these tips, small Irish businesses can make a big difference in reducing the environmental impact of events and conferences. When these sustainable measures become normal practice, they can have a collective impact on the environment. If you're planning an event, consider making it more sustainable. Not only will your attendees appreciate it, but the environment will thank you too.

For more resources and information on how to make a positive impact on the environment as a small business visit www.andsmyth.ie/climate-hub

References and additional information

  • Music of the Sphere’s tour information and achievements - https://www.koktailmagazine.com/content-detail/coldplay-music-of-the-spheres-sustainability

  • Reverb and Billie Eilish 2022 tour partnership and impact - https://reverb.org/impact_report/happier-than-ever-world-tour-impact-report/


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